Sport News: FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke Suspended Over Ticket Scam

The latest is secretary-general
, who was on Thursday suspended and relieved of his duties by the body.
Jerome Valcke
A FIFA statement read: “FIFA today announced that its Secretary General Jerome Valcke has been put on leave and released from his duties effective immediately until further notice. Further, FIFA has been made aware of a series of allegations involving the Secretary General and has requested a formal investigation by the FIFA Ethics Committee.”
Valcke was alleged to have colluded with a firm with sold tickets at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil, JB Sports Marketing, to sell tickets on the black market for 3 times their prices.
Valcke has already denied the allegations, through a statement by his lawyers.
The statement said: ‘Jerome Valcke unequivocally denies the fabricated and outrageous accusations by Benny Alon of alleged wrongdoing in connection with the sale of World Cup tickets.
“Mr Valcke never received or agreed to accept any money or anything else of value from Mr Alon. As has been reported, FIFA entered into an agreement with Mr Alon’s company, JB Sports Marketing. That agreement and FIFA’s subsequent business dealings with Mr. Alon were vetted and approved by FIFA and its legal counsel.”
